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This Man Transformed His Classic Mini Into A Stretch Limo

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Remember those Matchboxes and Lego you used to play with as a kid and how you would mix and match different parts to create different vehicles that only a kid can dream of? It turns out that you don’t always leave this tendency behind when you grow up and this can produce some pretty amazing results.


Chris Wain, from Nottinghamshire, decided to put his own spin into the classic Mini by converting it into a stretch limo.

Take a look at the converted limo below!

[rumble video_id=v5tt35 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

According to him, when one pictures a stretch limo, images of luxury come into mind. But when you see a Mini, anything but the word luxury is used to describe it.

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But this unique conversion of two classic cars has resulted in a ride that runs smoother than the usual Mini and can comfortably cruise at around 85 MPH. The car is powered by a slightly modified 1275GF engine with a longer gearbox in order to comfortably handle higher speeds.


Chris said, “The thing I love most about my car is the reaction it gets from other people.”

The car cost Chris about £14,000($18,000) and it was literally a labor of love for him having built it in time for his wedding.

It all started when Chris met his future wife at a Nottinghamshire-based Mini enthusiast club called ‘Notts About Minis.’ When they decided to get married, they both thought that a mini-stretch limo conversion would be the perfect wedding car on their nuptials.


Venora said: “It was my idea, I thought it would be a nice wedding car as the mini bought us together.”

It wasn’t easy to find the materials that were needed. Chris focused more on assembling the car while Venora did the lining and interior. With many late nights, a lot of stress, and a lot of expense, the pair finally finished the car with 3 days to spare before the wedding.

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Chris explained: “We were working very late at night and on weekends – it was a lot of stress and expense.”


But the car was not just some one-off wedding curiosity because it has served them well now that they have kids although it’s not the easiest vehicle to navigate. For one, smaller spaces are a challenge and without power steering, it can be a chore to maneuver.


Still, it was a project that was well worth the effort especially since other people also love the car’s looks.

“The car gets a lot of attention wherever you go, people love the car.”

