Categories: life

Chris Pratt Received Criticism for Wearing Supposed “White Supremacist” T-shirt

Actors have this special thing in their life called controversies.


They never know from where a new controversy including them will take birth and bring them to the limelight for a negative reason.

This is the same thing that happened to Chris Pratt, the actor who was recently brought under the same light as outraged critics called that he wore a White Supremacist t-shirt.


The t-shirt that has been the center of this mess is a pro-American t-shirt that has a snake coiled around an American flag on it. And the text written under the same was “Don’t tread on me.”


The t-shirt is nothing but a recreated version of the flag of Revolution-era Gadsden. It was brought into the light again by a small group of government conservatives. It was put out there just to put it out there and had no connection with any kind of racial activity or belief.


Hunter Harris, a writer from Vulture picked out the photos and shared it online from where Yahoo was the one to take them and to bring them under the light of the controversy. And this is how the online critics got their feed.


One user commented, “Pratt would never wear a t-shirt depicting White Supremacist.”


Another critic commented “I love him for the actor he is but I am always looking forward to his political moves. I am sure he would say something someday that will make a steep turn and turn all the things upside down.”


In February, actress Ellen Page objected him for going to a Christian church, answering to the same he said that he would go and worship at a church that opens its door for him, disregarding of any racial difference.


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