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Feel The Pain – CNN’s Chris Cuomo Relates What It’s Like To Have Corona

Chris Cuomo has become CNN’s most cheered for anchor over this month, his contraction of the COVID-19 an international news, and his fun jibe at his brother, Andrew, the Governor of New York, a source of hope, inspiration and integrity.

However, however his public persona is handling the withstanding, his sufferings are real, as he told his colleagues Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta at a recent televised interview.
In his secluded basement, he is meeting with the world through modern technology, but has gone on lengths to describe what it’s actually like to have the disease.
After the official diagnosis from Tuesday, his relay of his condition were seen as benign, but he tells the world that this is not the whole picture:
 “I’m doing well. The beast comes at night,” he told Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. “As we know the health care workers have taken to call the virus ‘the beast.’ I understand why. My fever has gone up a couple of degrees in like the last 30 minutes. Nights are tough, and I’ve learned something that I didn’t know before:’
‘It is responsible journalism to say that 80% of people who get this, statistically, wind up okay, meaning they don’t get a hospital, they get through it. It is not humanly responsible, though, from an ethical perspective. Now that I am one of the anointed and these people reach out to me — you SUFFER when you have this at home, unless you are ridiculously lucky, statistically, and maybe karmically as well.”
“I’m just sweating it out and it’s the sickness,” he said.
Also he has warned audiences who might be waddling through the wave of false information on the Internet in hopes of getting weird treatments in desperation.
“Fake pills, fake tonics… I think we have to be very careful about people preying on desperation,” he said.
ⓒ E! News
Dr. Gupta, a friend and colleague, worryingly said to Cuomo, “we had suggested you not work right now. I mean, you are incapable of not working and talking about this but just for the record, we did suggest that.”
Cuomo said, “In between the hits and in between when I’m doing the show, I’m a waste. I sleep probably 10 hours of the day if I can, in and out. I try to walk and do these breathing exercises because I’m petrified of getting pneumonia.” His main message on Thursday night: “It’s not a cakewalk, but we can get through it.”
“When I do have a couple of good hours, I’m still trying to do help with procurement for the state [of New York] because they really are fighting state by state, which is so stupid, to get the equipment that they need,” Cuomo said.
ⓒ NY Daily News
“So, I don’t know how I got it and most people don’t, Anderson, and we are so far behind on testing. We’re telling ourselves these lies about testing. We’re nowhere near where we need to be.”
AP’s David Bauder calls the whole Cuomo dialogue as such:
“With all their familial love and drama, the Cuomo brothers — Andrew during the daytime, Chris at night — have become compelling figures in the plague-driven landscape of American television…”
Chris Cuomo’s cameo during Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Thursday press briefing was the latest example of this.
“I do believe this is going to be a great public service in an ironic way… You living it, showing it… doing the show, reporting on how you feel… I think it demystifies this,” the governor proclaimed in reassurance.
“It takes a lot of the unknown out of the equation. And I know it’s a terrible unfortunate circumstance for you, but think about it from a journalistic point of view, a public service point of view. You are answering questions for millions of Americans.”
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