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Chiropractor Is Making A Name For Himself With An Ingenious Method That Effectively Relieves Back Pain

Caters News

It seems that modern society is plagued by all sorts of pain.


There are many factors that contribute to this such as sitting for too long in the office or in front of the TV and being overweight (and both factors compound each other in a downward spiral).

But the end result is pretty much the same, some sort of pain will creep up and prevent us from fully enjoying our day. A lot of pain is caused by some sort of bone deformation or misalignment.


Watch this chiropractor’s method to relieve back pain.

[rumble video_id=v5m5vx domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

While a lot of people may take pain killers like they take candies, this is not a good long-term solution. Surgery is one option yet a lot of people avoid it as much as possible not only for the cost but also because the effects are not guaranteed.


There aren’t many non-invasive options but this is the niche that chiropractors manage to fill. Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders, particularly that of the spine. And by doing this, they are able to relieve people of pain that has been with them for many years.

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Like any discipline, there are those who manage to stand out because of their skill and their ability to innovate.point 213 |


One of them is Dr.point 14 | Joseph Cipriano, a 32-year-old chiropractor from Greenville, South Carolina.point 82 | What sets Dr.point 93 | Cipriano apart is that he developed an innovative technique that is quite effective in relieving pain in his patients.point 193 | 1

In one particular case, he managed to help a patient who had been suffering from severe hip and back pain although the procedure brought his patient to the brink of tears.


Dr. Cipriano has a doctorate in chiropractic medicine from Life University in Marietta, Georgia, where he graduated in 2016. Over the past 3 years, his viral videos have showcased his various back-cracking techniques that have left his YouTube audience quite impressed.


In this particular video, he has a female patient at his clinic who had neck, lower back, and hip pain. In addition to this, she also had sacral misalignment and all of this combine to put extreme stress on her nerves, causing tingling and numbness in her legs and feet. Using what he calls a Y-strap, Dr. Cipriano uses the device to decompress his patient’s spine.

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The patient is brought to the brink of tears with the intensity of the procedure but this is quickly followed by happiness because her pains have eased.


Dr. Cipriano said: “There is no better feeling in the world when people can get their lives back and live without pain.

“You feel accomplished and proud knowing that you did something great for someone.

“Patients’ emotions are priceless due to a chronic pain being eliminated and people in shock because something has finally helped them.”


