Categories: lifenews

Corona Strikes China And It May Be a Second Wave

China has 108 new cases of COVID-19 infection, the highest number since 5 weeks of the “curve” of the said infection, which many are fearing might be the onset of a second wave.


It is to be noted that almost 90% of these novel infections are from those who entered the country from abroad, as trade and travel restrictions were alleviated to some degree during the course of the past weeks.

The blame is to be taken to the northeastern border, facing Russia, where it became a new entry point for the virus.point 270 |


Hence is the reason why Chinese cities face-to-face with the Russians are controlling the border for more austerity and inspection.point 112 | This also corresponds with the case of increasing Coronavirus infection in Russia slowly moving higher to 18,400.point 209 |


Suifenhe, populated by 70,000 people was fully locked away due to ‘imported cases’ starting Wednesday morning.point 107 | 1


ⓒ MarketWatch



‘Our little town here, we thought it was the safest place,’ said a resident who went only by the surname of ‘Zhu’, resident of Suifenhe, Residents in Suifenhe are widely ambivalent and dichotic about the issue, as whether as one part would absolutely leave everything behind to evacuate themselves from the city, while others waiting for the authorities to handle it with great care and intensity.point 356 |


One citizen argued, through a Reuters interview, that they have complete faith in the government:point 83 | 1

‘I don’t need to worry,’ Zhao Wei, the said resident replied calmly, ‘If there’s a local transmission, I would, but there’s not a single one.point 236 |


They’re all from the border, but they’ve all been sent to quarantine.point 70 | ’ Authorities in Harbin, another border city with Russia, are also advocating 28 days of quarantine, along with all the necessary procedures that might clear the inbound people of their status as infected or not.point 254 | 1



ⓒ Daily Mail


Chinese ambassador to Russia urged the other Chinese repatriates to stay where they were as of now, their numbers amount to a staggering 160,000 for the sake of more infections going inside the mother nation. One of the subordinate consulate in Vladivostok, only 85 miles away from Suifenhe, has clearly stated no citizen should allow themselves to slide back into china. There were also similar cases reported in Shang hai.


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