Categories: Familylife

Child Wrote A Heartbreaking Letter To Santa, And It’s Melting Everyone’s Hearts

A loving father has shared a heartbreaking letter his child wrote to Santa, and it quickly went viral on social media.


Posting a photo of the letter on Reddit, the father who works as a delivery driver wrote: “I’m a UPS driver and I cried when I opened up our son’s letter to Santa.”


“Dear Santa, I would really like to spend more time with my dad, so I would really love and appreciate it if you could help him get off work early because he is a UPS worker and people are ordering so many presents.


“So I would love it if you could help him in any way. Sincerely, Jonah.”


His post gained over 2,000 comments, with people left in tears after reading the boy’s letter. Some also shared their own stories of missing their loved ones during the holidays.


One person commented: “I truly wish my dad had spent less time working and more time with us. It always felt like he prioritized work over us. If he had the day off, he would still get calls (case manager nurse) to deal with things while he wasn’t there. It ruined any form of relationship my sister and I had with our father. I’m 23 now and I’m trying to build a better relationship with him.”

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Another wrote: “I hope every parent in this thread gets a chance to read this.point 173 | I hope they understand that kids, especially when being difficult, are sometimes demanding such a simple thing.point 268 |


It can be so easy to get off of a 12 hr shift and say ‘why isn’t [child] asleep, why can’t I just have 10 minutes to relax’.point 121 | They are awake because they want 10 minutes with you.point 165 | It is the most important thing in the world to them.point 207 |


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A third shared: “Dang, this is heart melting. It resonates big with me. My dad worked some late nights for many years during my childhood. He too a lot of overtime and worked his ass off. This ended up affecting me, missing my dad, but really confused how to address it.”


Someone else added: “I read the first sentence aaaand it went blurry, from tears, after that.”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this story with your friends and family!



