Categories: Animals/Petslife

Chickens Ganged Up and Pecked Fox to Death

Chickens are considered to be one of the most innocent animals that can never harm any creature equal to or more than their size.


They do not have rage.

The only thing they do before they end up in our stomachs is wake up early in the morning and flatter their wings around the farm all day long.


Well, the chickens proved they are not always the kind ones when this unlucky fox intrude into their troop. The fox was then killed by these offended chickens.


Students taking a walk in an agricultural farm was left shocked when they found out a dead fox in the farm. The students believed that the fox would have entered the hen farm around dusk and got trapped because the gates shut down to keep the chickens in after the sun sets.


Le Gros Chene school’s head of farming in Brittany, Pascal Daniel said that the fox was trapped inside the henhouse therefore there is no other suspect to be blamed till now. He said “We found the fox dead in that corner. He was trapped inside the house.”


He added, “We assume that the chickens would have been scared off the intruder and because of it there was an instinct in the herd and they together attacked the fox with their beaks.”


The organic farm is a free range and the hens usually spend their day outside on the farm rather than in the henhouse. They only go in when they want to lay eggs.

Don’t be shocked when I tell you that this incident isn’t the very first one of it’s kind. Pecky, Pongo and Izzy, the three hens along with a large cockerel pecked and killed the fox which had invaded into their house. They must have become protective too.


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