Categories: Daily top 10Foodlife

Meet Cheeseborg, A Voice-Activated Grilled Cheese Sandwich-Maker

Caters News

Whether you’re craving for a midnight snack after a stressful day or just want to have a quick and easy snack, the trusty grilled cheese sandwich is sure to hit the spot.


It’s not just the eating itself that’s relaxing but the process of making it as well, especially if you do it while you are chatting with friends or family.

There’s something about working with your hands but like most things in modern life, even making sandwiches can be automated. At least, that’s what a group of engineering students did when they created a machine that can autonomously make a grilled cheese sandwich reliably and with precision (no sense with the loaf alignments being off by a few centimeters).


Watch this machine make grilled cheese below.

[rumble video_id=v5q9rt domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

It can even respond to voice commands!

Arduino Blog

The auto-cheese toastie maker is the brainchild of Tayor Tabb, 24, and his two teammates at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


You start by entering a voice command through the Google Home start assistant. The machine then activates a vacuum to start the assembly process with two slices of bread and one slice of cheese lined up on the conveyor belt.

Once the sandwich has been assembled, the conveyor takes the sandwich to slide it onto the integrated grill whereupon the lid will close.


Once the sandwich has been perfectly grilled, it’s transferred to the pickup tray, ready to be enjoyed.

Caters News

Taylor said: “While grilled cheese is comfort food, the process of making grilled cheese is less than ideal.


“As hungry college students awake at hours that it’s often hard to find food, we knew this was our calling— not just for us, but for grilled cheese eaters everywhere.

“At first it was simple — what if a robot could make you a grilled cheese?


“But once that seemed doable, we thought we could be even bolder — what if you could make a grilled cheese and make it totally hands-free and voice-activated and able to be integrated it into a smart home? And that, that is Cheeseborg.

“Our research and testing led us to find the perfect cook time and temperature for our grilled cheese — we optimized for gooey on the inside and crispy on the outside!”


