Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Meet The Charming Dachshund Who Works As The ‘Chief Meeter And Greeter’ For A Local Pet Store

Caters TV

Watch the video of the adorable dog below.


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We all know dogs as the lovable and adorable pets that we own today. But dogs have been serving humans in a greater capacity than just eye candy throughout history.

From helping our ancestors hunt down mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, to helping adventurers break new ground in the Arctic and Antarctic, dogs have served as faithful companions who always served and protected their owners with loving ferocity. Of course, today we still have protector breeds like the K-9 dogs who protect us by sniffing out drugs and/or bombs and those sheepdogs who help keep the sheep in line and warn of any predator attack.


But so-called toy dogs have also proliferated and we often see them grace the arms of female divas or as comedic accompaniments in comedy films. But one particular toy dog has managed to combine both cuteness and excellent service.


Meet Frankie, the adorable dachshund who bears the prestigious title of “store meeter and greeter” for a local pet store. And the one-year-old dog has impressed both his employees and customers alike with his charm and hard-working nature (you don’t need to bribe him with treats just to get him moving!).


Frankie’s owner, 42-year-old Judy Laine, also works at the pet store in Broadmeadows, Nottingham and she brought him in at her place of her when he was only nine weeks old. And unlike regular employees, this hard-working guy hasn’t missed a day on the job!


Judy said: “Frankie has full run of the shop when we are closed and we usually do early shifts, so most days we start work at 6.00 or 7.00 am. Whilst I’m cleaning out the pets at work, Frankie wanders around, plays chase with any colleagues he can distract, pinches loose biscuits from under the pick and mix biscuit bar. He also runs off with cardboard boxes when we have deliveries and generally has great fun.”


Frankie even has his own uniform as well as a special bed for him to take his rests in.

Judy continued: “Our colleagues absolutely adore him.point 222 |


He’s such fun to have around with his sense of humor, even at 6 am in the morning.point 67 | He makes us all laugh so much with his antics.point 104 | Pets at home head office love him and his uniform.point 145 | They are starting to use him on their Instagram.point 185 | That has given him a hashtag too – #PAHFrankie.point 230 |


They want to use him as a product tester and have him ‘review’ products in the future.point 82 | He is literally the most perfect little dog ever.point 123 | point 130 | 1