Categories: Entertainmentlife

Marvel Would like to Bring Back Charlie Cox to Play Daredevil in the MCU

After Daredevil had had a premature end in November 2018, fans all over the world were heartbroken.


After season 3, Netflix and Matt Murdock left no room for future developments on the project. There was a season 4 blueprint, but that was rejected because that simply was not enough to fill in an entire season.


What are the rumours?


Now, however, Marvel studios seem to have made the executive decision to bring back Cox into the MCU after some vigorous campaigning.

Because of the actor’s contracts that last several years, it would take a while for Marvel to be able to approach the Defenders, but Kevin Feige has been making arrangements to recast them as soon as he is able to.


How do we know it will happen?


Marvel confirmed the rumours that they were bringing back Cox as Matt Murdock after whispers were going around about it.


Thanks to a tweet by Daniel Richtman, he could confirm that bringing Cox back was definitely on the table for Marvel and Feige. Of course, Marvel has not officially confirmed it, but the prospects seem more promising than not.

Why was Daredevil cancelled in the first place?


The reason Daredevil was cancelled can be attributed to a number of things.

First, with the launch of streaming services like Disney+, it seemed as though Disney wanted to go for a more family friendly appeal, thus shutting down Daredevil.


However, it seems the cancellation had come from Netflix themselves.


It seems as though the show had drastically decreased in viewership, where only just about half the number of original viewers had watched the third season.


Daredevil had a lot of budget behind it, which makes it obvious that the returns were not good around that time. Hence, even though the blueprints for season 4 was out, they simply could not risk investing any more in Daredevil.

What can we look forward to?


Cox may not come back to the show, but he is on the list to come back for movies as the Daredevil himself.


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