Categories: DIY

What This Artist Does to Her Face Will Change the Way You Wear Makeup

Little Things

Looking back at old photos of yourself can reveal some fashion mistakes that you’d prefer to NEVER repeat.


Some things like bell-bottom polyester pants and socks with sandals are not timeless trends. They go out of style (or never were in style) and seeing yourself rocking these old fashions can bring up some embarrassing memories.

This doesn’t just apply to clothing. How we do our hair and makeup is also subject to the latest trends, not all of which are kind to us when we look back.


I remember growing up and seeing a lot of classmates using bronzer that was more similar to a neon orange blush than a natural tan. And yet so many people were doing it that it wasn’t uncommon to see several people a day who looked like they were wearing orange paint on their faces.


But we all make mistakes, and sometimes we all need a little bit of help when it comes to making ourselves look our absolute best.

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That’s why YouTube makeup artist Carli Bybel has some tips and tricks for making your makeup look effortless and flawless.


She demonstrates her points by showing how to best apply makeup on one side of her face, while on the other, highlighting common mistakes we are all guilty of.

From using the wrong color concealer to contouring only part of your face, she reveals what happens when we make mistakes versus when we don’t. The result of her experiment is revealing.


She’s not interested in shaming us for making these mistakes. Her advice is useful and easy to follow for correcting how we apply makeup that can end up looking too heavy, too dramatic, or too orange.

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Carli’s goal is to apply makeup that looks natural and highlights your best features. She suggests which tools to use to accomplish the job.


Unlike current trends, her suggestions are timeless. Don’t go too heavy on your eyebrows. Don’t forget to blend your powder.

These may seem like simple tips, but we see our faces every day and that can make us blind to even the most obvious faux pas. I know I’m guilty of one, if not several, of these common mistakes.


But not to worry, because Carli is here to walk us through the process.

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Carli has garnered quite a following with her makeup tutorials—her video has more than ten million views and her channel has more than five million subscribers.

I don’t know about you, but I believe that having some free expert help from a YouTube star can’t hurt my makeup game.


Watch the video below and listen to all of her makeup advice. You won’t regret it!

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