Categories: FunlifeQuiz

There’s A Cat Hiding In Plain Sight – But Can You See It?

If you think you have what it takes to outwit a cat, you will have to wait no longer to find out what you’re made of.


Did you know that there are more pet cats in the world than the entire population of the United States? And did you know that cats are actually nearsighted even though their night vision and peripheral vision are much better than ours?

Indeed, cats are interesting creatures. On top of everything, they are the masters of hide-and-seek and have the patience to stay still for hours at a time.

Source – Bored Panda

So are you ready to play a game with our furry friends? Take a close look at the photo above. Your job is to find the cat in one minute to pass the challenge.


The kitten is hiding in plain sight and it’s staring directly at the camera. But can you see it?

Before you reveal the answer below, here are some more fun facts about cats! These furry animals use their whiskers to see if the space is big enough when hiding in tight places. While most of them avoid water at all costs, some cats can actually swim!


With that being said, where’s the cat? Here it is!

Source – Bored Panda

If you liked this challenge, here comes another hidden cat. This time, you only have 40 seconds to pass the test. Can you do it?

Source – Bored Panda

Somewhere in this photo, there is a feline waiting to be found. This time, you are looking for a black cat. While you can’t see the whole animal, you should definitely be able to spot its pointy ears.


Focus on the right side of the picture to spot the hidden kitten!

Source – Bored Panda

Did you know that female cats are typically right-pawed, whereas males are more likely to be left-pawed? And did you know that among all mammals cats have the largest eyes compared to the size of their heads?


Since they also get scared easily, cats prefer to keep their distance until they’re sure they can trust you. Find the hidden kitty in the picture below and prove that you can be its friend.

Source – Bored Panda

This time, the cat you’re looking for is fully visible. Thanks to its camo colors, however, it won’t be easy to spot.


The kitten you are looking for is white and light brown and it’s right in the middle of the picture!

Source – Bored Panda

Did you find all of the hidden cats? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!