Categories: Foodlife

Canned Pumpkin Isn’t Actually Pumpkin

In a piece from myrecipes.


com, Emma Crist made a breaking revelation about the pumpkin pies. This has the potential to change practically everything about it.

Emma revealed she has recently found out that “pumpkin puree is not pumpkin. It’s squash.”

The canned orange material we all use to add the pumpkin touch to all the desserts throughout the winter and which is one of the top-selling items at many supermarkets is not pumpkin at all. Yes, the packaging says it is 100% pumpkin but, in reality, it is 101% not pumpkin.

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According to Emma, it is a mix of a number of winter squash like butternut, Hubbard, and Golden Delicious, etc.


Libby’s, the brand having 85% of the market share in canned pumpkin across the US has developed a special variety of squash that they grow, process and fill in the cans to supply all the supermarkets you get it from.

Naive customers don’t even have the slightest idea about what they are eating in the name of pumpkins.


As pumpkins have a natural tendency of being watery and stringy, some types of winter squash do actually make a sweeter and richer puree that better serve the purpose of adding ‘pumpkin’ flavor to all our dishes.

The USDA happens to be a bit too lenient with the food producers when it comes to naming the products, and it makes naming something pumpkin that is actually not pumpkin totally legal.

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You have been eating squash bread, butternut squash pie, and drinking squash spice lattés this whole time, and your whole life has been a lie!


That’s it! You either have to live with it or start a pumpkin civil war to get the situation rectified.


