Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Figure Out The Correct Answer?

Logical riddles have a wonderful way of playing with your mind and in case you fail to agree, this next puzzle is the ultimate example.


Research says that only those people who can cope with the pressure and stress that surrounds common events in their everyday lives are truly the ones who actually do well in mind games like these. Therefore, we bring forward for our dedicated viewers another challenge that’s guaranteed to keep you thinking for minutes.


The makers of this challenge admit that it’s definitely not the easier one of the lot. However, with that said, it actually appears more challenging than it really is.

Source: Toolshero

So, are you ready to take up the challenge that’s creating a stir online? We certainly hope so. Scroll down to find the challenge that’s guaranteed to give your brain cells a test.


The Puzzle

Alright, first things first, this puzzle is asking viewers to take a good and close look and then go about finding the answer. For this particular brain teaser, here’s a simple question being asked. Which person is carrying the most amount of weight.


Hence, we believe it’s all about perceiving and paying attention to each individual in detail. So, are you ready to take up the challenge? Good luck!

Source: YouTube

Could it be the first one or the one at the start? Perhaps it’s the man in the center who happens to share the bulk of the load. Oh, how can we forget the one at the end? Yes, he definitely has a tough job, or shall we say balancing act. So, what do you think is the correct answer and why?


Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to share the fun with loved ones too!

The Solution

Source: Bake

By now, we hope you’ve selected the correct answer. And that is…. each person is carrying the same or equal amount of weight when compared to the other. While many thought it was the center person, that’s just not the case here as the center of gravity acts the same upon the shoulders of all 3.