Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Put An End To The Mystery & Solve This Tricky Puzzle?

It’s time to put an end to this viral mystery that’s creating a stir on social media.


Elevators are generally termed to be safe on most occasions. However, just like anything else in this world, there are certainly days with exceptions

Growing up, many people have a fear of elevators and being caught in between the elevator door. On the other hand, there are actually people in this world that exist who genuinely can’t tolerate tight and enclosed spaces, thanks to their claustrophobic nature. Hence, being confined to any space would result in them having a panic attack at the end of it all.

Source: Thoughtco

Keeping that particular theme in mind, here is a puzzle that has caught many people’s attention. It’s a mystery that provides you with plenty of clues that will ultimately determine the right answer.


Now, it’s up to you to put your logical skills to the test and figure out what could potentially be the right answer. So, are you ready to rise up to the challenge and figure it out? We sure do hope so! Scroll down below and let us know what you think!

Source: Pinterest

The mind-boggling puzzle

Alright, a man named Tom got a text that mentioned how a serial killer was recently spotted entering the building. And now, it was time for him to try and leave the premises as soon as possible. While waiting, he two different elevators arrived at the same time.


Each elevator had a man inside who appeared quite suspicious.

Source: Stumpedme.com

Now the real question is, which elevator should Tom take to make sure he’s 100% safe? The first one or the second one? Think carefully and don’t forget to share your answers with us in the comments section too!


The correct answer

Source: Fierceless Culture

Are you ready for the final reveal? Okay, the correct answer is the elevator on the right side because the killer would certainly be coming from down below.