Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Crack The Code & Figure Out The Right Answer To This Tricky Riddle?

This puzzle is the ultimate test for your attention span and that’s the main reason why we’re calling out our logic riddle champions to solve it with ease.


Did you know that the right level of attention or concentration can really take you places? Well, in case you didn’t here’s a challenge that manages to prove just that and more.

A good attention span is sometimes all you need to make a solid impact on your life. And it is due to this ability to focus that we intend to become more and more successful with each passing day.

Source: Brain Facts

Whether it’s doing chores or completing your office work too, that’s simply all you need sometimes to complete your work on time and with the added quality too.


In case you’re wondering why we’re referring to this concept so much, well, that’s because this next challenge calls you to do just that and more.

Scroll down below for a puzzle that’s tricking internet users as we speak. Yes, although we certainly don’t believe it’s hard. It’s definitely a little tricky if we must say so ourselves.

Source: Difference

The Challenging Puzzle

In the puzzle being shown below, we’ve got a task that just might make you swing in the right direction. Not only does it guaranteed to keep that attention span of yours in check, but it also promises to give you a hard time while solving it.


But again, what’s life like without some good challenges, right?

Source: Mambee.com

Simply answer the question, how many children does this mother have in total. The answer lies within the picture so your observation skills are definitely in check too!


Did you figure out the answer? We sure do hope so! Scroll down below and let’s see if it matches ours too!

The Right Answer

You’ve reached the end of this challenge and you know what that means. It’s time for the final reveal.

Source; Mint

The correct answer is TWO kids! One is present inside the stroller while the other is the child who adores football. We hope you noticed the ball beneath the stroller!