Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Correctly Count The Number Of Blocks In This Tricky Image?

Just when you thought counting was as simple as ABC, here comes a tricky challenge that just might make you rethink that very notion.


Believe it or not, some riddles have the magical ability to appear so simple, but in reality, it’s actually a completely different picture altogether. In case you don’t believe us, well, here is a challenge that is guaranteed to buzz away all your blues! Yes, it’s that addictive.

Source: Twitter

But at the same time, only 1 in 10 viewers could actually able to go about solving it with absolute perfection. And that’s why we’re putting all of our eager puzzle-solvers to the test to see how well they do.


So, are your up for the viral counting challenge too? If yes, feel free to scroll down below and give it your best shot! Good luck and happy counting!

point 122 |
Source: Frontiers

The Challenge

In the image shown below, you’ve got a 3D-themed picture that appears a little unusual to the eyes.point 338 |


But we’re simply not concerned about the design at this very moment.point 63 | Instead, all that we’re asking you to do is take a look and let us know what you think about the number of blocks in the picture shown below.point 182 | Yes, it’s as simple as that!point 211 | 1

Source: Query Home

Remember to count carefully and take your time! Also, we’d probably ask you to recount at least twice because yes, that’s how challenging this innocently seeming riddle is! So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to put those eyes to good use!


The Solution

Congratulations! You’ve finally come to the end of this challenge and you know what that means? It’s time for the final reveal! Let’s see how well you did and whether or not you came close or exact to our solution!

Source: Situational Communication

The correct answer is 66! See, each arm has a total of 15 blocks. And in total, there are 4 arms each. Since the center of the image has 6 blocks, the total would be 15×4 which is 60 and then you add 6 to give you 66!


Tricky or easy- you can be the best judge of that! Don’t forget to share the fun with loved ones!