Categories: Health

Calm Fussy Babies Instantly By Massaging These 7 Parts Of Their Feet

Babies are absolutely adorable especially when they’re giggling or smiling! Babies know how to express happiness in the best of ways, but when they’re not feeling well, they only know how to tell us through crying.


When your baby is crying it’s often a rush to try and figure out what is wrong. Are they hungry? Are they constipated? Are they sick? It can be very frantic to help your baby feel good and happy again.

While you should always listen to your pediatrician’s recommended treatments and medications, sometimes it can be helpful to have a home remedy or two on hand when you’re in a pinch!


These tips are based off of foot reflexology, which can work even in adults, but is much easier to do on babies as their ligaments and muscles haven’t developed fully and gentle rubs can work a lot easier.

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Guide to Baby Foot Reflexology

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

For most of us, rubbing a baby’s feet, hands, and tummy when they are crying comes to us naturally. This guide explains why that natural method works and how you can use to help soothe your baby no matter where the discomfort is on their body.


Basically, foot reflexology states that on your hands and feet are reflex points that match with your organs, bones, and even body systems. By rubbing these points, it’s possible to help relieve discomfort. Sounds amazing, right?


Throughout this guide we explain which areas help relieve specific discomfort. You should always consult your pediatrician and listen to their advice first!

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Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

The tips of your baby’s cute little toes match their head and teeth. If your baby is teething, you may find this spot especially helpful in relieving discomfort. 


Simply apply gentle pressure to the tips of your baby’s toes to help soothe and relax your baby.

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

The center of the toes correspond to your baby’s sinuses. Do they have a runny, sniffling or a stuffed up nose? Try rubbing the center of their toes to help them feel a little bit better.


Please consult your pediatrician in addition to administering these touches to make sure your baby stays happy and healthy!

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Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

If your baby is fighting a cold, they may have some chest congestion. Chest congestion can make your baby have trouble breathing, eating, and sleeping.


After asking your pediatrician for advice, you can try soothing your baby by rubbing the area right below their toes, which correspond with their lungs. This method should give your baby some much needed comfort when fighting a cold.

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

There is a complex network of nerves located in your abdomen and behind the stomach, called the Solar Plexus. Discomfort from this area can result in an upset tummy, spams, and even trouble breathing.


Applying a gentle amount of pressure right below the ball of the foot can help relieve some discomfort.

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

You’ve probably rubbed your baby’s tummy to help get the bowels moving a couple of times. Just like us, sometimes babies can have a bowel obstruction which can result in constipation and just general discomfort.


After consulting your pediatrician about the obstruction first, you can try rubbing the center of your baby’s feet. This area corresponds to your baby’s upper abdomen and can provide a bit of much needed relief.

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

If your baby is still struggling with constipation, this spot may also help.


Try rubbing the lower regions of the sole of your baby’s foot. This should soothe your baby, especially if they’ve been a little gassy!

Image via Maya Borenstein / LittleThings

The bottom area of your baby’s foot corresponds to the pelvic area.


If your baby seems to having problems with their hips or tummy, you should try applying a bit of pressure to this area. Be sure to rub lightly as well.

If you’re still struggling here’s a video explaining how to get rid of a headache by using the first method.


Please remember to LIKE and SHARE these tips with your friends! Hopefully we all can have happy babies!