Categories: life

Cafe Owner Allowed Homeless Man To Work For The Day; Two Weeks Later He Refused To Leave

While most people refuse to give money or talk to homeless people, one woman’s perception has forever been changed after she ran into a homeless man who asked her for money.


Cesia Abigail Baires, a café owner, has spoken out after a homeless man whom she offered to work for her for a day begged her to be allowed to stay.

Facebook – Cesia Abigail

Baires and Marcus the homeless man met when the guy entered Abi’s Café in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


As the struggling café owner explained, Marcus asked her for money to which she responded by saying: “Why don’t you have a job? You know nothing is given to me for free right?”

Google Maps

According to Baires, the hopeless man told her a job was something he wanted beyond anything else. However, due to his criminal record and present state, he wasn’t able to find any employer who would be willing to take him in.


“I’ve seen him going up and down on Main Street before like a lot of other homeless people. He walked into the restaurant and I felt a connection with him. He came in asking for money,” Cesia explained.

Facebook – Cesia Abigail

Since the young businesswoman could use an extra hand at the time, she decided to offer him work for the day. Marcus gratefully accepted her offer and began helping with cleaning and taking out the trash.


“I was short staff that day, so I asked him, ‘You want to work? I have a job for you!’ His eyes opened wide and his smile made my day!!!! He said, ‘I’ll do anything for some food.’

“So now for almost two weeks, he’s been on time for his two-hour shift… helping take out trash, washing dishes etc. Once I pay him, guess what he does? He buys food from my restaurant — HE DECIDES TO PAY — because it makes him feel good!” Cesia wrote on Facebook.

Facebook – Cesia Abigail

Not only did Marcus help on that day but he was also determined to do his best so that Cesia would allow him to continue working for her.


“With his new job, Marcus has found new confidence in himself and he’s a changed man,” she added.

“Do something nice for someone today and don’t judge them just because they’re out there asking for money for we don’t know their situation… some deserve another shot. God gave me this blessing so why can’t I bless others?”

Facebook – Cesia Abigail

Ms. Baires has also set up a GoFundMe page where she aims to raise $8,000 to help Marcus get back on his feet and find an apartment.


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