Categories: Entertainmentlife

Bridezilla Created A Crazy List Of Demands, Horrified Guests Shared Them Online

Everyone wants a perfect wedding and there’s no shame in that.


Wedding, however, is a symbol of forming a unity that is supposed to last until the end of one’s days and not a showbiz event as some make it out to be.

With some brides getting more demanding than ever, the term bridezilla has escalated to a whole new level. Not only are such brides strict with their wedding organizers and their grooms, some even come up with firm rules and regulations that their guests should follow.


JudahArt / iStock (not actual photo)

In this story, we can see a list of requirements that one bride-to-be sent out to her guests before the wedding. One of the guests who were rightfully shocked by her demands decided to share them online and give us a good dose of laughter!



Soon after sharing the list of demands, the bridezilla in question became an online sensation, with hundreds of people providing their own opinion on the matter.


“She forgot one… Please bring a dictionary so the bride can learn to spell,” one commenter joked.

“Wow, that might be some of the tackiest s**t I have ever seen. I mean… damn. Also… Why do they need to be half an hour early? Are all the guests so tacky that they need to be told not to wear white to a wedding? No acceptance? Please tell me this is someone’s drunk cousin,” another one wrote.


“I would have my husband show up in a blue dress, with a bob, and eyeshadow/lipstick seeing as that is appropriate according to this list…” one wife joked.


“She couldn’t even spell ‘ceremony’ correctly. Their marriage ain’t gonna last,” one user suggested.

What are your thoughts on this bridezilla’s unconventional list of demands? Let us know if you would attend her wedding and don’t forget to SHARE this post on Facebook!