Categories: life

A Bride Ordered Her Bridal Gown Online and it Turned Out to Be a Disaster

This poor bride had to order another dress for her special day after the one she ordered online from China was nothing like the pictures.



For every single woman, yes, every damn single woman, the most important part of the wedding is to find the perfect dress and the second most important part comes to finding the right guy, of course.


This woman who wanted to get her perfect dress but was not ready to step out of the house in the hunt of it while waiting in the long queues and wasting the entire day on the appointments, she decided to ditch the basic plan.


Rather than going out in the hunt, she decided to bring it in. She fiddled through online websites selling dresses and then her heart stopped for the one.


This incredibly beautiful dress she had just found was available on a Chinese website but rather than thinking twice, she ordered it and it turned out to be upside down.


When the dress arrived, this bride-to-be was left in utter shock as what she had received was nothing like she had seen on the website.


To let her followers know about the disaster, she posted a picture of her wearing the dress she had received and the pictures she had seen on the website and damn, it will leave you in a shock.


She wrote “So the dress turned out to be a massive disaster but no worries. A new dress has been found and bought and it sits right inside my cupboard without any chance of a change happening.”


This is what teaches us why you should never buy something from a website you do not trust. Because this is not the first time it is happening but happens to a lot of people all the time.

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