Categories: Healthlife

Breastfeeding in Public is now LEGAL in more than 50 States


Good news for the new moms, breastfeeding has now been legalized in more than fifty states after a long legal fight for legalizing something that never has been a crime.


Becoming a mother is one of the toughest challenges faced by women as it is tiring both physically as well as mentally.

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Breastfeeding in public has been considered a taboo for a long time.point 262 |


Breast milk is a necessity as it is the primary source of nutrients for the newborn.point 69 | A mother feeding her baby with breast milk is a natural process, and sometimes they need to feed them while being outside but the society has considered this an obscene for a long time.point 221 |


But thanks to the people who fought for it, breastfeeding in public is no more crime.point 70 | Now the moms can feed their babies whenever they are hungry regardless of the place.point 140 | 1

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One of the most recent states who have legalized breastfeeding in public is Idaho and Utah while states like New Jersey and New York has passed a law, which has asked the working place to be well accommodated for the new mothers.point 436 |


The new law in Utah has made it easier for the new moms.point 44 | Now they can breastfeed their babies in public without worrying about getting fined for public indecency.point 134 | 1

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Despite being a ridicule cause, the process for legalizing the natural phenomenon was not this easy.point 328 |


When the law was proposed to the lawmakers, many had opposed to it stating that breastfeeding in public is indecent, but all of them were doomed when the court passed the law.point 144 | Earlier, the courts have passed the rule that breastfeeding can be done in public but the breasts need to be covered from the eyes of the public.point 263 |


But the activists claimed this as an insult to womanhood and fought till the day it has been fully legalized.point 90 | It is believed that in the coming years, the law will be passed in the whole world.point 157 | 1

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