Categories: life

Boy Shares Anxious Mom’s Amusing Rules for His Holiday Trip to Magaluf

Finlay Brockie went viral when he revealed the broad list of warnings from his mother Lisa that he must follow on his boys’ holiday to the Spanish party resort.



The stern list comprised of things like not getting inked unless the tattoo is on his bum and not having unprotected sex, or sex at all because they did not know where they had been.


Finlay, from Fife, shared screenshots of the amusing messages on the internet.

The post has got more than 53,000 likes and has been retweeted over 5,000 times.


Lisa begins her rules by saying that she had started to stress about her son going to Magaluf the next day, which is why she had been thinking about some words of advice.


The aim of the rules was to give the same message as most mothers want to give to their children when they go out for a holiday. However, Lisa could separate herself from the crowd by stating them in a manner her son could not avoid.


For instance, when she asked him to eat food properly, she also demanded him to not compare the price of the food with the number of alcoholic drinks he could have otherwise with the same amount.


To his mom’s wise words, the son replied with love you pal.


The humorous messages did not just reach Finlay, but also a lot of kids and parents on the internet.


People who became fans of Lisa’s set of rules replied to the string of messages claiming that the post is the best thing they had ever seen; Lisa was one of a kind.

Another person stated that he lived for those tweets. Someone else tagged Lisa as the best mom ever.


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