Categories: Quiz

There Is An OBVIOUS MISTAKE Here, Can You Spot It Right Away?

There is an obvious error with this photo, can you spot it?


This latest spot-the-mistake puzzle will leave you scratching your head in confusion!

The brainteaser, which was created and first shared on the Brightside website, has left the internet stumped.

The puzzle features a young boy painting, seemingly enjoying his art hobby. However, there is something wrong with it!


Even the most observant puzzle players are left confused as the mistake are apparently hard to see at first look.

But once you see the error, we are certain that you will not un-see it!

This visual puzzle is currently sweeping all over the web, with some players saying:


“The mistake is NOT OBVIOUS at all,” one confused player said.

“Took me a while, but I saw it. I won’t give the answer away though,” another player has said.

“There is no error at all! It’s nothing but a trick!” another one has added.


Despite the last person’s comments, we guarantee you that there is a MISTAKE in the photo, you just have to find it!

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Courtesy of Brightside.me

Did you know that puzzles such as the one you are solving right now are beneficial for your brain health? It works by challenging your brain to work better and faster.


The other benefits of regularly solving brainteaser are as follows:

  • Enhance memory
  • Improve concentration levels
  • Reduce boredom
  • Boost brain activity
  • Reduce the risk of dementia

And so much more!

Now that you know the benefits and why solving puzzles are important, let’s go back to the challenge:

Courtesy of Brightside.me











Did you spot the error?

If you have your answer ready, just scroll down to see the correct answer.












The Answer

The mistake is the window!

Courtesy of Brightside.me

So, how did you do? Did you solve it? Let us know in the comments!


If you enjoyed the brain teaser featured in this article, please SHARE it with your family and friends to challenge them too!