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A Little Boy Didn’t Seem Too Thrilled To Perform On Stage


There is more information that’s easily accessible to the common person today than it has ever been in the history of the human race.


And that’s both a good and a bad thing.

On the good side, it means you don’t need to exert much effort to find the answer to that question that’s been bouncing around in your head. Before there was the Internet, you needed access to a dictionary and/or an encyclopedia (the actual, physical books that figuratively weigh a ton and take a whole lot of shelf space) to find an answer. And if you’re out of luck, you need to go to the library.


Watch this boy’s hilarious straight face during a performance below.

[rumble video_id=v5ldc5 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Nowadays, the term “just Google it” is a very real thing. And you don’t even need to wait to get home to make the search because smartphones are practically mini-computers that can do a lot of things that you can normally do on a laptop or PC.

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But there are also negatives.point 133 | For one, so much information is available that it’s easy to get taken in by fake news or misleading information if one isn’t careful to scrutinize or cross-check one’s sources.point 298 |


And on the social side, there’s also the saying that once something is on the Internet, it never disappears.point 96 | Did someone upload an embarrassing video of you as a kid? Congratulations, you’ve achieved Internet fame (or infamy) and no amount of raging is going to change that.point 240 | 1


In a sense, kids nowadays have it hard because it’s easy to document almost every minute of their lives growing up. Even a few decades ago, no matter how copious a videographer or photographer you were, you were still limited by the amount of storage your videotape or rolls of film had. That meant any embarrassing moments you had as a kid were less likely to be caught on film or camera and even less likely to make it out in public.


But for the kids of today, hours upon hours of footage can be recorded and they’re all there, accessible by the touch of a fingertip. And if someone happens to upload them, well, you have to deal with the consequences for many years to come.


And so we come to this video of a kid who is in the middle of a stage performance hosted by Serranz Learning Incorporated to celebrate language month. The kid isn’t throwing any tantrums and is dutifully performing his routine. But based on his expression, he doesn’t look too happy about it.


We’ve all had moments as kids when we were forced to do something because our teachers or parents told us we needed to do it but this kid’s expression is just hilarious! Either that, or he’s just being serious about completing his part of the program.


Either way, when this kid grows up he’ll have a record of this one moment in time that we’re sure he’d rather other people don’t remember!

