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Botched Microblading Procedure Left A Woman With Four Eyebrows


Check out the woman who was left with four eyebrows.


Video credit: ABC13 Houston

There’s a saying that “if you buy cheap, you buy twice,” but the following story should be called, “not everything on Groupon is a good deal.” That one bit of advice probably would have saved a poor woman a ton of embarrassment and hassle.


Forty-two-year-old Jami Ledbetter had been born with no eyebrows so her daughters thought that the best thing they could get her was a microblading treatment. WDAF reports that Jami was gifted a $250 Groupon voucher for the procedure.

In case you’re not familiar with microblading, the procedure is a form of semi-permanent tattooing that involves adding hair-like strokes through the use of a small blade or a needle. So if you were born without eyebrows like Jami was, microblading is a great way to get some faux eyebrows in.


The person Jami went to claimed to be a certified microblader but as they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And unfortunately for Jami, the pudding didn’t exactly come out great as she was left both shocked and disappointed by the result.


The resulting brows were so dark that she couldn’t cover them up with makeup. Jami’s confidence was so shaken that it got to the point that she refused to leave the house except to go to work and to pick up groceries.


She told WDAF: “What it’s done to my self-confidence. I was devastated. I was even dating a guy, and he stopped dating me at that point.”

Another microblader promised to fix the problem but it actually made things worse as Jami ended up with four brows.


Jami did get a ray of hope, though, in the form of licensed tattoo artist Kara Gutierrez, who said: “It took everything in me to hold back tears because this is the worst I’ve ever seen.” There was no need to rub it in but as long as she gets the job done, all’s well that ends well.


To help pull out the color, Gutierrez is using a lightening solution on Jami’s eyebrows. This treatment has to be repeated at eight-week intervals and Jami has around three more of these treatments before her brows go back to normal. She’ll end up spending $1,000 for the whole thing.


“If I would have known it was going to turn out like this, I probably would’ve never done it at all,” Jami added.

The good thing is that you likely won’t be in danger of suffering Jami’s fate as the unnamed “artist” who botched the job has since gone out of business.




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