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Born Suddenly In The Middle Of The Ocean! The Story Of A Water Baby Has Left People Flabbergasted

A 36-year-old woman, Christina, unaware of her pregnancy, gave birth to a healthy child all alone in the middle of the ocean.



Source: TLC

In an interview, Christina elaborated that she and her partner were on a romantic trip when the incident occurred. She was oblivious of her pregnancy and thought that the pain she was feeling in her lower abdomen was just her regular period cramp.


One night, when their boat was in the middle of the ocean, the woman experienced a stabbing pain in her body. Taking it easy, she went outside and sat near the backside of the boat to have some fresh air. After a few moments, the pain started to get worse, and she felt lightheaded simultaneously.

Source: TLC


Christina was constantly bleeding and could feel the head of the baby coming out of her body. She didn’t know about her pregnancy at all. After a while, the woman decided to inform her boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully. After yelling for good 3 hours, she was able to wake him up.

Source: TLC

When Matt woke up, he came outside hurriedly, hearing the dreadful cries of his partner. He was unable to understand the situation as well. The couple had no one to help them at this moment in the middle of the ocean. Consequently, Matt called the emergency services and asked them to him as soon as possible.


After the arrival of paramedics, it confirmed that Christina was going through labor and not having a prolapsed uterus. One of the members of paramedics, Tiffany McGugan, helped the patient and delivered the child safely. The couple is happy now and is excited to tell the siblings of the baby about his arrival.

Source: TLC

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