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Boohoo Shares Image Of Model Without Photoshop And It’s Taking The Internet By Storm

If you have seen an ad poster in subways, watched TV commercials or flipped through magazines, you might have felt a little envious of celebrities and models with gorgeous bodies and ultra-smooth skin.


Those breathtaking photos or videos make people want to buy more beauty products to minimize pores, reduce the appearance of blemishes and achieve their ideal curves.

While many beauty products stay true to their words, advertising companies also receive a huge amount of help from PHOTOSHOP to get rid of stretch marks, pimples, and of course, layers of fat.


A fashion company named Boohoo decided to break free from the old advertising style and they are getting praises from all over the world because of their choice. The company shared photos of models without photoshops, making their stretch marks clearly visible.


Even though Boohoo is not the first company to show a ‘real woman’ style campaign, netizens are sharing their appreciation by leaving positive comments and sharing the post. Keep scrolling to see photos of Boohoo models without photoshop and let us know what you think in the comments section!


Boohoo shares original photos of their models


The company decided not to get rid of models’ natural stretch marks


Here are the photos of the same model with stretch marks photoshopped out


But Boohoo decided to stick with the realistic look!


Other companies have also taken the same path!



CVS also announced they will no longer photoshop their ads!


Here’s how people reacted




What are your thoughts on this? Are you glad that companies are now showing real women and not photoshopped skin, bodies or faces? SHARE this amazing story to show appreciation!




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