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Black Grandfather BEATEN And Kicked By Cops Suffers An Epileptic Seizure While Walking Autistic Grandson To School

In recent news, white police officers in Louisiana randomly attacked an old grandfather while he was taking his autistic grandson to school.


A bystander had caught footage of the incident happening, which majority of the cops were of white descent alongside a cop that was of black descent.

Robby Bailey, 53, suffered an epileptic seizure after the attack and was already on the ground by the time the witnesses started to film. In the video it shows the grandfather being beat, kicking him down and another of them started to punch him with no motive.


Bailey’s grandson was unable to do anything, standing a few feet away from his grandfather as he stands his ground. At one point of the video, an officer exclaims, “Stop resisting!”

KTLA News 12

Initially, two officers had been called to the scene who was laid out by a roadway. Once those officers arrived, they found out that Bailey had been out in the bushes of someone’s front yard, his grandson nearby and shaken.


Bailey was incoherent when they arrived, assuming that there might be an effect of using a substance, but family members claim that he fell down and suffered a seizure on the way of taking his grandson to school.

The seizures cause Bailey to fight those around him since it is a reflex and he becomes disoriented from them. The footage that has been released to the public doesn’t show that Bailey is not suffering a seizure and an incoming ambulance didn’t want to transport him due to his impairment, thinking it might be dangerous if they proceeded to.

KSLA News 12

The officers who abused the old man said that they tried to walk Bailey away from the front yard and into a public space, but he resisted so they responded back to his resistance. This was when the bystander took footage of the situation, seeing five officers struggling to handcuff Bailey.


The officers in the video also claim that their violence was justified since the other officers were unable to handcuff him from the resistance. The officer who kicked under his arm said that the kick would not cause permanent damage, and they would be able to handcuff him.


The man punching Bailey has not faced any punishment since they are trained to do “hand strikes” to help restrain the subject for a temporary amount of time.


Bailey has recently been arrested and taken to a hospital, being charged with marijuana possession and will most likely have to face charges for resisting the police as well.