Categories: FoodHealthlife

Eating This Tropical Fruit Will Enhance Your Beauty, Aid In Digestion and Help You Fight Cancer

Pineapple grows in warm and humid areas of the earth.


This fruit contains a high amount of vitamin C and manganese and is also a source of dietary fiber and bromelain(an enzyme). It boosts the immune system, cures cancer, makes our bones strong, helps to maintain our blood sugar, helps in digestion, and makes our skin healthy.

Organic Facts

Here are some of the amazing  benefits of pineapple.


Pineapple is good for arthritis
This beneficial fruit contains a high amount of vitamin C which boosts the immune system.point 102 | Bromelain, the enzyme in it, contains anti-inflammatory substances that lessen the swelling in joints because of rheumatoid arthritis.point 219 |


Try to eat one serving of pineapple every day, take it plain, add it with some cereal or yogurt or make a fresh pineapple juice.point 104 | Please avoid canned pineapples because the processing destroys some of its health benefits.point 183 | 1

Daily Express

Pineapple can cure Cancer
Pineapple contains strong antioxidants and vitamin C which help combat initial cancer cells, beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables play a defensive role against prostate cancer.


Pineapple aids in digestion
The presence of water and fiber in water gives pineapple an ability to promote and regulate a healthy digestive tract and prevent constipation.


Pineapple moderates blood sugar
The fiber in pineapple is beneficial for diabetic patients as it can lower blood sugar. It has been found that 1 medium pineapple gives 13 gram of fiber. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 21-25 grams of pineapple per day for women and 30-38 grams daily for men.


Beauty benefits of pineapple
With its antioxidant vitamin C qualities, it fights with skin damage, improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles, vitamin C produces collagen which supports skin system.

Beauty Glimpse

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