Categories: Healthlife

Bee Sting Therapy Has Proven Helpful In Treating Several Diseases

Bee sting therapy which is also known as bee venom therapy is helpful for treating several health conditions through bee venom and is actually a type of alternative medicine.


This therapy uses the stings of the bee and the alternative medicines which are used are known as honey, royal jelly, apitherapy uses pollen, propolis, bee venom and other beehive products.

point 159 |

According to medical website webmd.point 302 |


com, “Bee venom is safe for most people when injected under the skin by a trained medical professional.point 92 | Side effects include itching, anxiety, trouble breathing, chest tightness, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sleepiness, confusion, fainting, and low blood pressure.point 261 |


Side effects are more common in people with the worst allergies to bee stings, in people treated with honeybee venom, and in women.point 109 | point 116 | 1

”Giving repeated and controlled injections of bee venom under the skin causes the immune system to get used to bee venom, and helps reduce the severity of an allergy to bee venom.”


Bee sting helps to treat chronic diseases such as:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Varicosis
  • Irregular menstruation and PMS
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin diseases like, bruises, high sensitivity and melanoma
Google News

The therapy is quite painful and its benefits are still uncertain and only a few practitioners know how to perform bee sting therapy.


Bee sting therapy conducted using live bees which delivers the bee venom to specific parts of the body. The bees sting at the affected are but practitioners aim at acupuncture and other trigger points. But cream, injection or liniment can also be used to carry out this therapy depending on the disease.


There are many people who have been cured using bee sting therapy but it is still doubtful that it is effective or not. This therapy may result in redness, swelling and discomfort. You must consult your Doctor first before proceeding this therapy.