Categories: Healthlife

Baby Born With Two Male Private Parts Also Has Two Colons And Two Rectums

A baby boy has been born with two scrotums and two penises.


According to the report, the child was also born with two urethrae. This means he can urine out of both penises.

The baby also has two rectums and two colons, and surgery is necessary to create a descending colostomy.

Assiut University Children’s Hospital, in Assiut, Egypt / Mirror

Doctors said that the child was diagnosed with caudal duplication syndrome, a rare congenital disorder in which structures of the caudal region, neural tube, and embryonic cloaca exhibit abnormalities such as malformations and duplication.


Dr. Ahmed Maher Ali and his team at the Pediatric Surgery Unit in Assiut University Children Hospital in Egypt wrote in the report: “We present a newborn with double penis and double scrotum as a part of a caudal duplication syndrome (CDS) which is a condition includes duplication of the distal organs of the body. It is crucial to have knowledge about it to be able to be identified.”


“A male newborn presented with double penis, double scrotum double urethra, double colon, and double imperforate anus. After work up a low descending colostomy was done (4 stomas of duplicated colon) and started feeding with normal passage from colostomy,” the case study continued.


“The cause of CDS is unknown many theories have tried to explain that, but the most accepted theory is failure of monchorial twins to separate completely.

Getty – Contributor

“CDS may be associated with other congenital anomalies as imperforate anus, renal anomalies, and omphalocele.


“CDS is a very rare condition which needs multidisciplinary team to manage and needs staged repair. Most pediatricians and pediatric surgeons are unable to diagnose it, we add a case of CDS to the literature.”

Pexels/Lisa Fotios

The baby, who was born weighing 5.7lbs (2.6kg), will need surgeries once he is a bit older.


“CDS is a rare condition that needs a multidisciplinary team for its management that includes staged repair of duplications,” the report adds. “In our case, we are planning to start staged repair at the age of 16 months.”

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