Categories: FamilyFamilylife

Baby Who Was Born At 22 Weeks And Fought Life-threatening Problems Is Finally Allowed To Go Home

Lilly Menear was born at 22 weeks and her parents, Tayla Menear and Shane Rumbles were warned she wouldn’t survive.


The parents couldn’t hold her for a month as she was so tiny and fragile.

However, after fighting a bleed on the brain and other life-threatening problems, she is finally allowed home after five months.


Miss Menear from Norwich was rushed to a hospital when she was 21 weeks pregnant. On December 9, she gave birth to her daughter Lilly who weighed 1lb 2oz (511g).


Lilly spent seven weeks on a ventilator in neonatal intensive care.

She had three infections, a bleed on the brain, and required surgery at three months.

However, the miracle baby has defied odds and is allowed to go home after spending five months in the hospital.


Her mother said: “We took each day as it came. Each improvement was a sign that she was becoming more comfortable and settled. She reacts to my voice and will open her eyes when I come in and talk to her. She gives me big beautiful smiles.”


Miss Menear said she was in disbelief when the doctors told her they could finally take her home as at one point, they thought she would not survive.

Consultant neonatologist Dr. Priya Muthukumar said Lily has made encouraging progress and they are sure she has a great future ahead.

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Consultant neonatologist Dr. Priya Muthukumar said: “We know babies born so prematurely are at higher risk of future developmental issues.”


“Nevertheless, we are reasonably optimistic for Lilly because her brain scans while in the neonatal unit have been reassuring and she has made very encouraging progress.”

Despite being born at 22 weeks and fighting life-threatening problems, Lily has proved she is a fighter and is here to stay.




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