Categories: Animals/PetsFamilylife

Best Friends for Life Show Their Love For One Another In Adorable Video

Dogs and babies are the cutest combination ever.


Those who have babies and dogs might not hesitate to leave the duo together. However, some parents feel that their dogs might hurt their little babies while the two are playing.

Since babies do not know about the dangers of putting their hands inside the dog’s mouth or pulling its tail, the parents often worry. After all, sometimes even the dogs can cause harm to the little ones. But such incidents are extremely rare.



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In this video, you will see the baby playing with the big dog, giving it hugs, petting it, and kissing it, while getting all the love back from the big yet gentle four-legged creature.


This adorable video will bring a smile on your face instantly if you have grown up with a dog or have a dog and small children.


This video might cringe some of the parents who do not approve of dogs licking their babies’ mouths. This is completely understandable though.


The dog’s mouth might have loads of germs and you never know where that mouth has been. It might lead to allergies on the babies’ soft skin, or lead to illnesses.


Similarly, a dog is home to several types of bacteria and germs, which may harm the baby.


But the reason why growing up with a dog is a must for all the children is because these gentle creatures teach the babies unending love, care, compassion, and patient.


About the licking part, well, the baby will definitely be more resistant towards these germs and grow up to be become and healthy and strong adult.


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