Categories: Food

7 Polite Things People Used To Do At Supper: Let’s Bring Them Back!

It can be rare to even sit down at the table for supper.


Between busy schedules, distractions like TV and phones, and a general lack of interest in sitting around the table together, manners are now the last thing people think about.

Sometimes etiquette and politeness while eating can seem stuffy and outdated, but you’d surprised how good manners at supper can really make a meal enjoyable and help make a connection between everyone!


We’ve put together a little list of polite things to bring to the dinner table that were all common sense not that long ago. Check them out and then we want you to tell us if this what you do in your household and if you think such manners are useful while eating with family or friends…or if these are table customs best left in the past!


1. Keep Table Conversation Light & Polite

Don’t bring up divisive or controversial topics and leave anything gross or upsetting away from the dinner table. Instead chat about things that bring you closer together.


2. Leave The Table To Blow Your Nose (Or Do So Quietly If There’s No Time)

Even if one has a cold or is chowing down on hot and spicy food, it’s best to excuse yourself to blow your nose…or do so quietly and as subtle as possible if it’s an emergency or you can’t get up.


3. Elbows Off The Table

There was a time where slouching on the table with your elbows plunked down everywhere was unthinkable. It takes up room and makes you look uninterested and unengaged. Dinner’s not just for eating, it’s for bonding with loved ones.


4. Don’t Drink With Your Mouth Full

Sipping while there’s food in one’s mouth leads to food falling into your cup and onto the rim. It’s kind of gross for both you and those that you’re eating with, hence it’s a good thing to avoid.


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5. Let Your Food Be What It Is

Don’t mush it up, don’t mash it all up, don’t cover it with a thick layer of salt and/or pepper, and don’t drown it in sauces and ketchup. Respect the chef and experience the food for what it is.


6. Placing Your Napkin Properly

Keeping the napkin on your lap was once the only way to do it. Now people just stuff them under their plates or throw them around the table. Trust us, having it beneath the table on your lap is the way to go!


7. Soup & Hot Drinks Are To Cool On Their Own

Its no fun to be sitting at a table with a group of folks huffing and puffing onto their hot soup or drinks. Take a moment and let it cool on it’s own.



So, what do YOU think? Do you stick to these supper rules? Or do they seem stuffy to you?! Share this now along with your feedback about what you think are good table manners!! And don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook for the best content in the world!


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