Categories: Foodlife

Mars Is Calling Applications for Chocolate Tasters and Is Paying A Good Wage Per Hour

Hey chocolate lovers, this can be the dream job you have always wished for and the best part is, you can apply to it without thinking twice because they are not asking for any experience at all.



Have you been in love with chocolate all your life? Have you always dreamt of eating more and more chocolate while someone is paying you to eat them?


Well, if this was your dream just like it was mine, then here is the perfect opportunity for you to grab your dream job. Mars is calling applications for chocolate testers at their head office located in Slough, Berkshire.

All you have to have for this job is good taste buds.


The chocolates are not the only thing you will get in the job but the company is also offering to pay £10.80 per hour that can make you quite some money in your free time.


No, the job is not a very long term one but it is also not occupying enough. The job only asks for your time from Monday to Thursday for 3 hours starting from 9:30 to 12:30. This means that you can roughly make about £120 per week.

The job can suit best to the struggling parents, students or people who have some extra time on their hand.


No, the company would not straight away send you to taste the chocolates and review them but they will give the candidates a proper 6 months training that will make them understand about tastes and small of all the elements.


If you are willing to apply for this job then hurry up because the applications are closing down today on 8th of July so you don’t have much time and there are only 8 places so yes you need to hurry up.


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