Categories: life

Apple Rolls Out Its Latest iOS 13.1 Update With A Major Security Bug Despite Being Warned Weeks Ago

Apple has been accused of failing to solve a privacy-compromising flaw in its latest iPhone update, although it was alerted about it months ago.



he iOS 13 software that came out recently may allow hackers to raid a user’s contacts list.


This comes as the latest iPhone 11 starts selling in the U.K. after it was launched in California at an event last week. The iPhone 11 is selling for £529 and above.


A private cybersecurity expert, Jose Rodriguez, alerted the brand about the bug. He revealed that he had discovered a password bypass in July.


In a video on YouTube, he showed how it is possible to go through the messaging system to persuade the phone into automatically submitting contacts from inside the device, while someone is getting an incoming call.


Initially, he worked with the technology giant to fix it. However, he shortly decided to reveal it when he feared that the bug would not be stamped out before the launch of the software update.


Once in control of someone’s device, Apple’s tech enthusiast could bypass the phone’s security like the facial ID and go through the contacts database.

After finding the flaw in the course of iOS 13’s beta stage testing, Jose hoped that he would be provided with Apple Security Bounty, which remunerated IT experts outside the company who highlight problems.


Jose posted a YouTube video that showed how it was possible for him to get through the device’s defenses. The process begins when he receives a FaceTime call, and instead of attending the call, he selects the option to text the person instead.


Then as soon the new message pops up, Jose selects the option of adding a second recipient to the text. And as he types the initials of a contact’s name, a name from the address book is automatically suggested.

Apple has said that it will fix the bug in the iOS 13.1 update on Tuesday.


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