Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Beat The Odds By Answering This Brain-Teaser?

Here’s a mind-boggling riddle that has been designed with only one thing in mind- to test your brain.


From previous statistics, we see so brilliantly how testing your smarts can now be done with ease. We agree that you really have to work hard sometimes and go that extra mile to train your brain into answering a simple question. But at the end of it all, we promise it’s going to be worth your while.

Source: Bonus Blog

Originally designed for kids, it’s amazing how these riddles are sure to pull you in the right direction and that means testing your IQ to new limits. Are you ready to take on the challenge that’s confusing plenty of puzzlers online?


In case you answered yes to that very question, let’s take a look at what today’s brain-teasing riddle has in store. Remember, it’s all about more than meets the eye sometimes and we know you’ll be well on your way to doing just that.

Source: Global Ed Tech

Did you know that riddles are also great party starters or a wonderful way to strike a conversation with so many people at the same time? Yes, we’re all about moving in the right direction this season, and what better place to begin than this?


Can you solve this?

First things first, read through the puzzle carefully before making an attempt to begin. There’s no point in rushing if you’re going to get it wrong.

Source: Wakeupyourmind

We agree that some challenges are true brain stumpers but if you work hard, we know you’ll pass with flying colors.


Let’s take a look at the final answer

Congratulations on making it this far into today’s challenge. We’re all about making sure you feel super confident in your performance so that next time, you can perform better!

Source: PNG

The right answer is FIVE. And that’s because there are 4 colors so 5 socks will ensure two are the same color.


Wow, that was fun! If you found this challenge to be mesmerizing, don’t forget to SHARE the fun with others too!