Categories: Animals/Petslife

Alligator Jumped Out Of Water To Bite A Woman On Zipline

Watch the alligator attacking the woman on the zipline:


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Florida is full of alligators and everyone is aware of that.

But this woman from Florida would have never thought in her wildest dreams that she would be attacked by an alligator while hanging from a zip line.


A woman was on a zip line on a pond in Florida when an alligator jumped out of the water and tried to bite the woman.

The shocking video shows an alligator jumping out of the water and trying to bite the woman when she was zipping over a Florida pond.


The woman screams after the alligator jumped out of the water and tried to bite her.

The video was shared online with the caption: “This video was taken as a group of zipline instructors were trying out a new zip line that passed directly over an alligator pond. Needless to say, this new zipline route has never been put in service.”


The video instantly went viral, leaving people shocked. One user wrote: ‘Congratulations on not dying’ while another said: ‘How about that guy cheering when it jumps out lol’.


One said: ‘That’s a whole lot of nope right there’ while another said: ‘Gators can smell the food being delivered’.


One user joked: ‘That looks like my dog waiting on scraps to fall off the dinner table! Lol!!!’ while another added: ‘Where the hell is this place? That’s abit freaky. Those people at the end were clapping and laughing like it was super funny and like she was set up’.


‘OMG – was too busy watching the girl on the zipline to watch the water until it was shown in slow motion’, one wrote.


‘This is EXACTLY why I won’t do zip lining. Even tho it’s probs not going to be over a river. Or the fact we don’t have crocs but still. Imagine if we did. They would eat my fat ass cause I’ll be sinking that line into the river. Actuals’, another wrote.