Categories: Quiz

Can You Solve This Advanced-Level Riddle Without Peeking At The Answer?

Allow us to help you improve your brainpower today!


Riddles, optical illusions, and puzzles are just a few of the most favorite brainteasers that are being solved daily. Not only they are enjoyable to take, but they will also awaken and sharpen one’s brain.

Before we begin, did you know that solving one brainteaser a day does keep your brain sharp?


Yup, you read that right! There are several scientific studies that backed up that claim. So they say, a puzzle a day delays mental aging away!

Courtesy of Pexels Photo

Just like any brain teaser, one must exert an extra effort to think outside the box and look at the questions from different perspectives.


Even when you think you got the right answer, there’s still a chance that you may still be wrong!

So it’s better to be FOCUSED!

You may be a smart individual, but are you smart enough to solve this infuriating riddle?

Are you ready? Let’s begin!


Two in a bedroom, one in a house, but none in a kitchen. What am I?

Courtesy of Timelesslife Info website











Don’t give up and scroll down just yet!


Keep thinking. Try again, you CAN do this!

Here’s the riddle once again for your convenience:











You got it?! Great job!


Now, scroll down to check if you got the answer correctly.











The Answer

The answer is the letter ‘O’.

If you go back to the riddle, it states two in a bedroom, one in a house, but none in a kitchen.

There are two letters ‘Os’ in the word bedroom, one ‘O’ in the word house and no ‘O’ in the kitchen!


So, how did you do? Were you able to solve the tricky riddle? Let us know in the comments!

If you enjoyed solving this brainteaser, please share this with your family and friends to challenge them too!

Stay tuned for more challenging and fun-filled riddles!