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An Adorable Chihuahua Kept A Sharp Eye Out Waiting For His Human Dad To Finish Shopping


Watch the adorable chihuahua in the video below.


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If you have a dog then you have a loyal friend for life. And that’s what an adorable Chihuahua named Oscar showed in a video taken in West Allis, Wisconsin.

Oscar is waiting in the car along with the one who took the video. Apparently, his human dad stopped to pick up some groceries but the little dog is getting impatient at waiting. Clad in a green and blue coat with zipper at the back and a knitted hat with a white pom-pom on his head, Oscar is the epitome of cuteness as he remains on high alert for his owner to come back.


He’s anxiously looking out the car window just waiting and probably wondering, “What’s taking him so long?!” And his second thought was probably, “Why didn’t he take me along with him?”


It’s one of the cutest displays of loyalty you have ever seen in such a little package. But don’t let the diminutive size of the Chihuahua fool you. Although they are well-known as toy dogs, they are far from being fragile beings. They are brimming with energy and are quite agile, as the video hinted at. They also demand a lot of attention.


The “little dog syndrome” is often associated with Chihuahuas and that’s why they can be seen to display behavior that can be interpreted as overcompensating for their small frames. But while it’s easy to put this off to the type of breed, how the owner brought up and treats the pet is also an important determining factor.


Still, the Chihuahua’s small stature brings to mind puppies which is why they are so popular among women and a whole industry has sprung up for various clothing apparel for the breed.


The Chihuahua breed came from Mexico and “Chihuahua” is actually the state capital where the breed derives its name from. The Aztecs believed that this dog played an important role in the afterlife. The skeletal remains of Chihuahuas have been found in various Aztec pyramids and temples.


How your pet develops is influenced in large part with how they are exposed to socialization. They are naturally suspicious of strangers so you need to be careful when introducing a new person. They are also very protective and can even get jealous of other pets in the family.


In all, Chihuahuas are a fun breed to have and if you raise them right, you’ll get a loving dog just like Oscar in the video.