Categories: Foodlife

These Add-Ins Will Make Your Yogurt Yummier And Healthier

There is no doubt that yogurt is one of the healthiest snacks on the planet.


It is the best source of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamins B2 and B12. Yogurt supplies your gut a good bacteria that help your body in healthier digestion and gives a stronger immune system.

The best form of taking yogurt for everyone is definitely unflavored. Plain yogurt contains the least amount of calories and fat, and it is most helpful when you want to lose weight.

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If you don’t like unflavored yogurt? No problem because there are lots of add-ins that can make your yogurt more interesting, and you will love it more than before.


Here are some tips!

Chia seeds: Sprinkle some chia seeds on your yogurt, these add-ins will boost the protein content of yogurt, it will taste good and helps you in build and repair muscles.

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Hemp Seeds: Adding some hemp seeds into yogurt gives your body good fats that are essential for your heart and brain. Hemp seeds are also full of iron and it is beneficial for the prevention of anemia.

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Coconut Flakes: They are so filling, adding coconut flakes to yogurt stops you from overeating. Coconut flakes contain protein and iron too. They’re full of fiber that helps in constipation.

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Sliced Fruits: The best thing about yogurt is it mixes very well with any fruit on the planet. Adding slices of apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, peaches, avocados or papaya makes your yogurt healthier and tastier.

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Nutmeg: Some dash of nutmeg makes yogurt more interesting that will excite you to eat it. Nutmeg is a spice that helps strengthen the immune system and detoxify your body.

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Cinnamon: Another interesting spice that can go well with your yogurt is cinnamon. According to studies, cinnamon is good for regulating blood sugar as well as it protects your heart and brain from damage.

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Peanut Butter: No doubt, peanut butter is rich in protein and healthy fats. Adding one spoon of peanut butter makes yogurt richer and helps to fill your tummy. Peanut butter also contains magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamin B6.

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Honey: Honey is full of antioxidants if you want to be healthier and younger honey is the best option for the add-in. It will make your yogurt naturally sweet and help your body to benefit from its superb antimicrobial properties.

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