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A Woman In Love With A Ghost Wants To Get Pregnant With A Ghost Baby

We keep listening to weird stories now and then but I, bet you, this woman’s story is the weirdest you will ever hear.


 The woman says she is in love with a ghost and they both are planning to take their relationship further by having a ghost baby together. Doesn’t it sound the weirdest?


Amethyst Realm claims that she is dating a ghost. Although this is not her first time. She has dated 15 ghosts in the past but finally, have her Mr. Perfect.


Majority of humans fail to see or feel a ghost around, but this woman is living with one and planning a child.
She went to Australia recently for a vacation. While she was walking around the city, she felt something. Something really strong was around her, and she instantly knew the love of her life is here.


The two started dating in Australia, and the ghost came to the UK with her when she was coming back. But a ghost doesn’t need a plane to fly over the countries right? Or does it? Never mind.

Warner Bros

Now this story might scare most of the people, but for Amethyst, this is her perfect love story. So what is next to their relationship? Yes, they are planning to have a baby.


Amethyst’s fiancé left her 12 years ago when he caught her cheating on him with a ghost. His fiancé traveled a lot and was out most of the days. This got her lonely. She felt a ghost in her hose and wanted to take things further with him. so she seduced him and had sex when her fiancé walked in on them.


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“Woman Claims She Is Going To Start Family With A ‘Ghost’ She Met In Australia”

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