Categories: Healthlife

9 Symptoms Than Can Tell If You’re Gluten Sensitive

Gluten has, no doubt, a lot of health benefits.


However, not everyone gets benefitted from this high-protein substance, especially those who suffer from gluten intolerance. In such people, Gluten does more harm than good, acting as a silent killer in most cases.

If you don’t know how to tell if you’re sensitive to gluten, below we’ve put together some of the symptoms that can help you out.



Gluten intolerance is usually accompanied by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – a problem which makes it difficult for people to focus on things. People suffering from ADHD also have problems with self-control.


2. Poor teeth condition

Gluten sensitivity hampers absorption of mineral nutrients from your small intestine, which also include calcium. As a result, the health of your teeth and oral cavity is compromised and you begin to experience problems like ulcers of the mucous cavity, tooth decay, cavities, and hypersensitivity of the enamel.


3. Iron deficiency

Most of the time, doctors identify Celiac disease by noting the symptoms of iron deficiency or anemia – which include mucous membranes, pallor of the skin, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, reduced blood volume, and even arthritis.


4 Gastrointestinal tract problems

Celiac disease is also indicated by a variety of gastrointestinal tract problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, and constipation.


Sometimes, these symptoms are confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and, hence, can lead you to ignore your gluten sensitivity problem.


5. Unexplained changes in weight

Gluten sensitivity can cause both a rapid increase or decrease in weight. Although it mainly happens due to metabolic disorders as well as the inflammatory processes happening at the cellular level, the phenomenon can also take place due to gluten intolerance.


6. Problems with skin and nails

Gluten intolerance can also be identified by skin and nail problems such as herpetiform dermatitis, hair keratosis, mimic eczema and brittle nails. In most cases, the skin problems manifest themselves in form of rashes and itches that appear on your buttocks, elbows, hairline, hands, torso, and face.


7. Hormonal imbalance

There’s a close link between hormonal disorders and gluten intolerance. The common hormonal issues that happen due to gluten intolerance include PMS, sleep disorders, sudden weight fluctuations, and irregular menstrual cycle.

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Ok fine… in 10 days but still! I get so cranky/hungry! Crungry! Can we make that a word? ??‍♀️? #karencomics .point 374 |


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8. Problems related to the central nervous system

Gluten sensitivity can also be identified from problems with your nervous system such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, headaches and problems with concentration. Such people are often irascible and more prone to experience sudden mood swings.


9. Autoimmune diseases

Gluten intolerance is itself an autoimmune disease because, in this disorder, the intestinal cells of a person comes under attack of their own immune system.


However, Celiac disease can also cause many other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, vitiligo, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune liver disease, and autoimmune thyroiditis.

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Витилиго – хроническое заболевание неизвестной этиологии, характеризующееся появлением на различных участках тела депигментированных пятен и обесцвеченных волос вследствие разрушения и уменьшения количества меланоцитов в коже.point 652 |


Распространенность витилиго в общей популяции составляет от 0,5 до 2%; Провоцирующими факторами развития заболевания являются солнечные ожоги, травмы, психоэмоциональное перенапряжение.point 323 |


У данной пациентки очаги депигментации появились после родов.point 107 | Именно с частыми стрессами связывают и рост заболеваемости витилиго в настоящее время- 4% популяции.point 277 |


Витилиго НЕЛЬЗЯ заразиться, оно НЕ вызывает рак кожи, а подтверждённых доказательств связи с наследственностью нет.point 199 | Лечение- длительные курсы гормонотерапии, ультрафиолетовое облучение.point 324 |


Лечение направлено лишь на устранение косметической проблемы , так как никакой опасности для человека заболевание не представляет.point 226 |


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