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8 Common Signs Of Ear Health Problems That You Shouldn’t Ignore

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You will stay healthy if you wash your body, brush your teeth, and clean your ears. However, some people are not aware of the protective function of their earwax. Your earwax can help you to know whether your ears are healthy or unhealthy.

The key functions of earwax include protecting and moisturizing the ear canal skin. This helps to prevent dry or itchy ears. Earwax also contains the chemicals needed to deal with skin damaging infections. Your earwax may have different colors and a q-tip can help you to know the color of your earwax and determine what it means.


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1. Grey Earwax

There is no need to worry about anything if you have grey earwax, especially if there are no other symptoms. It is most likely to be dust. This happens because of air pollution if you are a city dweller.


2. Bloodstained Earwax

If your earwax has some blood stains, your eardrum is probably perforated. This means that you are likely to get infections and you may develop earing problems.


3. Brown Earwax

You have probably had stressful experiences if your earwax looks brown. If you notice this sign, it is advisable to take a break and relax. Next, do another swab to see if there are any changes.


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4. Black earwax

You don’t have to worry about anything if your earwax is black. However, you should see your doctor if your ears are always itchy. The black color could be a sign of a fungal infection.


5. White Earwax

The white color shows that your body lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals such as iron and copper. In this case, you should consider eating oatmeal and beans because they contain large amounts of iron and copper.


6. Stinking Earwax

If your earwax is smelly, then your ear is likely to have an infection. In addition to the bad smell, you may hear a popping sound or noise in your ears. You should see your doctor as soon as possible if you notice these signs.


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7. Liquid Earwax

Earwax is usually mushy and a bit solid. However, if your earwax turns into a liquid, it could be a sign of inflammation.


8. Dry Earwax

If your earwax is dry, then your body lacks lean fats. This could also be a sign of a skin disease or infection that leads to a dry skin.


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