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8 Physical Symptoms Connected To Emotional Trauma And Psychological Stress

Mind over body.


That’s a concept that has been around since the dark ages. The concept that your emotional state can actually affect your physical state is wild, if not unscientific. But believe it or not, human psychology and their emotional behavior can actually affect the human physiology in a number of ways.


Since our brains and our bodies are essentially the same things, we need to start noticing signals that our body gives us, and taking care of our mental health. Negative emotions and thoughts should be overridden by positive behavior. Stress and anxiety, in general, should be left behind, along with a bad temper.


To make it easier for you to understand, we have compiled a list of eight most common physical pains and their connections to the mind and body.

Head Pain: Headaches can be a signal for heavy stress and pressure. Although it’s a bit obvious, some people don’t believe that headaches can actually be caused by emotional stress. But believe it or not, severe headaches can actually be caused by a heavy workload and/or anxiety.


Consider doing things you find peace and sanctity in, such as taking a walk in the park, napping, watching a movie, reading a book, painting, and the like.


Neck Pain: Neck pain is a typical symptom of an unforgiving and confused personality. A person who experiences difficulties in just forgetting about things or forgiving people for their mistakes may experience some serious or mild form of neck pain.


Consider changing your perspectives and recognizing people as regular imperfect human beings who can make mistakes. Be more loving and forgiving.


Shoulder Pain: Pain in the shoulders can be caused by emotional and psychological disturbances and/or blockages. Feelings of uneasiness and emotional discomfort can contribute to shoulder pain.


Try getting down to the bottom of it. See what is bothering you and have it resolved. This can reduce shoulder pain tenfold.

Upper Back Pain: Sever or mild pain in the upper back area can be a sign of low self-esteem and lessened emotional support. Feelings of loneliness, heartbrokenness, unrequited love, depression, and the absence of some form of a love life can be contributing factors.


Try meeting people close to you such as friends and family, or getting in touch again with past lovers, or maybe even new ones.


Lower Back Pain: Pain in the lower back area is a sign of low financial status or some form of financial disturbance. Financial crises can be contributing factors, as well as worry about the future financial state.


Consider going to a financial expert or a lawyer and consult with them to see if you’re vulnerable to any financial loss at the moment. Try to manage things and maybe even perform better at work. This will not only ensure that your finances remain high, but will also get rid of anxiety and lower back pain.


Elbow Pain: Elbow pain is a sign of an unwilling patient. Resistance to change and fear of the ever-changing world above us can cause pain in the elbow. Life should not be approached in a very organized and planned way, and sometimes a small change can be all you need.


Consider changing things up a bit. Buy a new house, or meet up with old friends. Try going wild and whacky and holding a birthday party or any party in general.


Hand pain: Pain in your hands usually signals unwanted relationships with the people you love. Sometimes, we want to be a major part of our loved ones’ lives or a minor part of someone else’s. Nevertheless, restoring old broken bonds and meeting new people can change things up a bit.


Consider making new friends. The best way to do this would be to go go to a new school, workplace, or neighborhood. Or find other ways to connect with people.


Hip Pain: Pain in the pelvic area could signal a fear of change and a forward approach in general. Who doesn’t want to remain young all their lives? But the reality should be endorsed as much as the fantasy is daydreamed about.


Consider moving forward and taking on the obstacles that life throws in your path. Don’t be afraid to grow up, and just remember that after one life comes another, and you will be more than grateful when you see the beautiful life ahead of you.