Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Golden Retriever Became Best Friends With 8 Birds And A Hamster

@bob_goldenretriever / Instagram

You either know someone or are perhaps one of those people to whom the phrase “I never for the life of me ever thought we would be friends” would apply.


This initial doubt could stem from a variety of factors such as bad first impressions or wildly diverging interests.

But the fact of the matter is, there are times that people of varying backgrounds inexplicably become friends. And not just friends, they can even become best buddies for life!


For sure, there will be at least one unifying factor that draws people together regardless of race, gender, or creed. And that’s simply one of the beautiful things about life because you can never really discount people forming relationships with each other no matter how disparate the backgrounds.


If such unlikely friendships can be surprising in humans, it becomes even more astonishing when it happens among animals of different species. It can and does happen but it’s so uncommon that such special friendships are sure to attract attention no matter where in the world they are.


In this case, we’re not just talking of a cross-species friendship between two animals but rather THREE different species.

Bob the Golden Retriever seems to be the patient and erstwhile leader of this unlikely gang of friends that includes EIGHT birds and a hamster. This hilarious cross-species grouping lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but even living that far south hasn’t kept them from the adoring attention of fans as these best friends are an absolute hit on social media with over 12,000 followers on Instagram and more than 2,000 likes on their Facebook page.

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@bob_goldenretriever / Instagram

Bob is certainly the linchpin for all of them mainly because he’s big enough to eat all his tiny friends in one gulp if he wasn’t the adorable and friendly pooch that he is.point 282 |


This is pretty important because animals are mainly driven by instinct.point 61 | But when an animal, most frequently dogs, displays a certain level of intelligence, they can display a personality that can be surprisingly human-like.point 190 | 1

One thing’s for sure, at least Bob’s owner doesn’t have to worry about his birds and hamsters inexplicably disappearing because based on the pictures, Bob just adores having his tiny pals spend time with him!


