Categories: FoodHealthlife

6 Health Benefits Of Eating Tomatoes That You Didn’t Know

One Million Health Tips

You may have seen tomatoes added to many dishes because aside from being delicious, the added crimson color in the meals helps to boost our appetite.


But tomatoes are good for other things aside from being just one more garnish for pizzas and salads and for that reason, tomatoes should be a regular part of your diet.

Midwest Living

Some of the most popular benefits of tomatoes that not you may not be aware of include:


1 – Cancer prevention

The high concentrations of lycopene in this vegetable were shown in several studies to help protect against cancers such as prostate, colorectal, and stomach cancers. This is because lycopene is a form of antioxidant and as such, it works to inhibit the spread and growth of cancer cells in the body.


2 – Digestive aid

The liver, as well as the rest of the digestive system, have shown improved function when tomatoes are consumed regularly. This is particularly helpful in preventing constipation since your bowels will be working efficiently and properly when it comes to eliminating wastes.


3 – Heart health

Tomatoes have been linked to improved heart health. The potassium and vitamin B contained in tomatoes works wonders in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This means that a diet that includes regular consumption of tomatoes could help prevent heart problems from developing.

One Million Health Tips

4 – Prevention of gall and kidney stones

Since tomatoes are natural disinfectants, they can help prevent diarrhea. But there’s also another important benefit because they can prevent gall and kidney stones from forming. The risks of contracting urinary tract infections are also lessened by eating tomatoes.


5 – Good for eye health

The huge amounts of vitamin A in tomatoes can protect your eyes from degenerative diseases and prolong the health of your eyes.

6 – Strengthened immune system

Tomatoes also contain vitamin C which can help boost your immune system to fight against common infections like cough, colds, fever, and flu.


Tomatoes are cheap and plentiful and there are many ways you can include them as part of your diet. Whether you juice them to make a healthy drink or simply add them to your favorite dishes, the sky’s the limit as far as being creative with this vegetable.



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