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28 Bloopers That Actually Became Iconic Movie Moments


Some iconic movies scenes come from unplanned takes and history has revealed that some magical moments are not always scripted. The following list consists of actors who made mistakes, tried to improvise, or tried to recover after messing up. These scenes were even better than the original script. This article presents 28 iconic movie scenes from unsuccessful takes.
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1. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

This was not a scripted scene. Chris did not drop the Infinity Stone deliberately. The catch was impressive and the blooper was included in the movie because it portrayed Star-Lord’s character.


2. The Outsiders

You probably need to conduct some research on this 1983 movie scene. Dallas (played by Matt Dillon) hits on Cherry (Diane Lane) and falls off the chair. This unscripted scene made the cast laugh throughout the scene and both actors managed to stay in their respective characters.


3. Titanic

It is not easy to film a romantic scene with the beautiful Kate Winslet. Leonardo Di Caprio experienced this problem when filming Titanic. He was speechless when he asked Winslet to pose for a drawing and said: “All right, lie over there on the bed, uh, couch.” This unintended mistake captured James Cameron’s attention and he decided to include it in the movie.


4. True Lies

This movie is one of James Cameron’s classics and is known for the scene where Arnold Schwarzenegger gives his on-screen wife (Jamie Lee Curtis) a mission where she is supposed to strip to make her life more interesting and dangerous. Curtis ended up slipping and we can see Schwarzenegger trying to help her. As a professional, she managed to finish her strip dance.


5. The Princess Bride

In this scene, Christopher Guest’s character knocks Cary Elwes and the scene looks real because it is real. Elwes asked Guest to tap his head gently because they did not have a prop sword. He was knocked unconscious and was taken to the hospital. They did not try the scene again.


6. The Usual Suspects

You are wrong if you think that Hollywood actors pass gas as a joke. This is why these guys are laughing. The director decided to include the scene in the movie even though he was not impressed.


7. Star Wars

This memorable scene shows the legendary stormtrooper hitting his head. We don’t know if this was part of the original script, but it seems George Lucas considered the mistake and added a funny sound effect to capture the attention of the viewers.


8. The Dark Knight

You probably noticed this mistake if you examined Heath Ledger’s commitment to his Joker character. This scene shows the actor blowing up a hospital and was supposed to be one take because of the expenses. There was a delay because of technical errors, but Ledger saved the scene by improvising.


9. The Avengers

Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) has a funny habit of breaking out snacks. In this scene, he was offering blueberries to his champions and the scene was not scripted. He improvised this untimely moment.


10. The Princess Diaries

Anne Hathaway was a late teen when she played Princess Mia Thermopolis before becoming an Oscar-winning actress. In one unscripted scene, the actress fell on bleachers. Garry Marshall included it in the movie because it portrayed the actresses’ awkward character.


11. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Some movie mishaps are very dangerous. In this scene, Viggo Mortensen deflected the knife when the orc actor slipped as he aggressively threw the knife towards Mortensen. Everything was real.
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12. Midnight Cowboy

In this movie, Dustin Hoffman stayed in his character despite the fact that he was almost hit by a taxi. He shouted at the taxi driver “I’m walking here! Get out of here!”


13. Captain America: The First Avenger

In this unscripted scene, Hayley Atwell taps Chris Evan’s body innocently. According to Hayley, Evan’s body caught her by surprise and her reaction was not scripted.


14. Django Unchained

In this dining room scene, Leonardo Di Caprio’s hand is bloody. This scene was real because the actor had cut his own hand, but did not notice the blood. Movie director Quentin Tarantino decided to leave the scene in the movie.


15. Pretty Woman

Most people have seen the scene where Edward (Richard Gere) presents a necklace inside a box to Vivian (Julia Roberts). Edward looks like he was slamming the box shut, but the truth is that he was playing a joke on Julia. Julia’s adorable reaction remained in the movie.


16. From Dusk Till Dawn

In this famous scene, Salma Hayek turns into a vampire and tells the apparently overpowered George Clooney “Welcome to Slavery”. The actor improvised the line “No, thanks. I already had a wife.” I don’t know what Amal Clooney thinks about this.


17. Spider-Man

Spider-Man was an inexperienced web-slinger and an awkward teenager before he became famous. Tobey Mcguire asked the movie producer to include a scene where Peter learned how to use spider webs and become a hero. Eventually, the improvised scene was included in the movie.


18. Thor: The Dark World

Perhaps it’s an exaggeration to describe this as an iconic scene, but Chris Hemsworth managed to add a fascinating element to his character by improvising a scene where Thor is hanging his hammer on a coat rack after work.


19. Casino Royale

Memorable scenes where actors play along sand beaches are often reserved for women, but this movie changed everything. Daniel Craig fell into the water and the filming continued even though the fall was an accident.


20. The Godfather

This scene shows Marlon Brando petting a sweet cat while discussing different violent acts. It was a lost cat that Coppola (director) saw while walking to set. He decided to take the cat and Brando managed to improvise the scene. The cat was more than willing to stay on Brando’s lap throughout the day.


21. Rocky

The Rocky series has some famous moments, but this one was not part of the script. This jogging scene was captured in the morning in a real market due to financial constraints. The scene where Sylvester Stallone was thrown an orange and thanked the seller was not scripted, but the actor played it perfectly.


22. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

We know the character Draco Malfoy for his amusing and rude comebacks throughout the series. However, the actor (Tom Felton) come up with the famous line “I didn’t know you could read” after forgetting the original script.


23. Titanic

Leonardo Di Caprio is known for two epic moments in the movie Titanic. He likes improvising and the line “I’m king of the world!” is one of his famous improvisations.


24. The Silence of the Lambs

In this movie, the phrase involving a good chianti and fava beans was part of the script, but the subsequent disturbing sound was not. Antony Hopkins (the cannibal) added this sound when describing eating human liver and the producers left it to haunt whoever watches the movie.


25. Jaws

Everyone has probably heard the unscripted phrase “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”. The actor had never seen a shark before and this was his genuine reaction.
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26. Pineapple Express

In the second half of Pineapple Express, we see James Franco (Saul Silver) with an unforgettable headband and this wardrobe change was not part of the original plan. In a previous scene, the actor ran into a tree and needed some stitches. The headband reminded him of this scene throughout the movie.


27. Good Will Hunting

Robin Williams created a serious role through an Oscar-worthy transition and the late actor could not part with this role completely. In one scene (William’s office), the actor recalls his sleeping wife’s flatulence and Matt Damon laughs uncontrollably. The cameraman also laughs because we can see the camera shaking.


28. Zoolander

In this movie, Ben Stiller could not remember his lines so he repeated “…but why male models?” and the line portrayed his character perfectly. It is was a hilarious scene in the 2001 comedy film.


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