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Woman’s Date Takes WILD Turn As Stranger Passes Note Telling Her To “Run” Because Of “Too Many Red Flags”

What would you do if a stranger sent you a note during a date, asking you to make a run for it before it gets too late?


Well, it definitely sounds like a scene from a movie but we promise you that this strange affair was definitely a real-life incident that’s going viral as we speak.

A woman is sharing her recent dating adventure with the world and it’s definitely not something that she ever expected to encounter while meeting one of her companions.

Source: New York Post

Local media outlets claim that the woman was left speechless and beyond stunned when her date took a turn for the worst. The woman who hails from Virginia revealed how she was supposedly having a great time with a person. But that all went down the drain in a second.


A strange passing by her table dropped off a startling note that left her lost for words, quite literally. But what did the note actually say?

Source: New York Post

Well, it requested the woman to make a run for it, while she still had time. In addition, it spoke about the so many ‘red flags’ that literally sent so many chills down her spine.


Sharing her episode of sheer devastation and shock with viewers on Twitter, the woman claims that the description in the note that she received was not only bizarre but super haunting too.  And that’s when it soon began going viral, amassing thousands of likes on social media as well.

Source: Medium

While the tweet is now hidden, the user who reportedly goes by the name of Hadia S says that she was just enjoying a random coffee session with a guy on a date. But once her companion opted to get up for a restroom break, she received the warning message from a complete stranger.


The woman revealed how there was a gay individual behind her table who left her the message which was literally scribbled upon a CVS receipt. “Run, be safe girl,” the note added.

Source: Man of Many

What happened next? Well, there was clearly no second date after that but Twitter users are really curious about what really went on between the two in terms of ‘red flags.’


What would you do in such an awkward situation? Let us know in the comments second and don’t forget to share the news with others!